Sunday, May 20, 2007

Something to remember 3

God is just so great.

For every disappointment I receive, I get a new blessing in return. It's really more than I deserve, but because God gives them to me, I guess it's really part of His wonderful plan for me.

And because my life is just so full of blessings already, all that He needs to do is remind me of how blessed I really am and of the blessings I may have taken for granted.

It's sad sometimes that I find personal joy in the misery of others because sometimes, it is how my reminders from Him arrive. I would not dare claim I understand why but perhaps its because I can do my share in helping those people, even if I really have no idea what they're going through. Sometimes, comforting words and reassurances go a long way. Prayers go even longer.

God gives us all that we need, and sometimes what we want. If what we want is to allow God's will to happen, then there is no question that we'll get what we want.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"Maybe God has a bigger plan for me than I had for myself."
~Jamie Sullivan (Mandy Moore), A Walk to Remember